The Ultimate Guide to Hiring Remote Workers

How to Foster Engagement and Retention in Remote Teams

John Hayden

Building a Strong Remote Team: Engagement and Retention Tactics

Want to boost engagement and retain remote workers in your team? Studies show only around 20% of global employees feel engaged at work - a concerning statistic for both productivity and retention.

Building a Strong Remote Team
Building a Strong Remote Team

This blog provides practical strategies to effectively engage your remote workforce, fostering not just connection but long-term loyalty too. Read on for the secrets to transforming your virtual work environment!

Key Takeaways

  • Overcommunicate with your remote team using various digital communication tools to ensure everyone is on the same page and foster engagement.
  • Set clear expectations for tasks and responsibilities, involving remote employees in the process to increase their engagement and sense of ownership.
  • Assign accountability partners within your remote team to support each other, maintain motivation, and encourage open communication.
  • Celebrate achievements in creative ways, such as virtual shoutouts or personalized emails, to boost morale and reinforce the value of employees' hard work.

Understanding Employee Engagement in Remote Teams

Employee engagement goes beyond merely completing daily tasks; it's about a strong connection between employees and their work. In remote settings, this principle holds even more significance as employees often deal with unique challenges ranging from feelings of isolation to blurring work-life boundaries.

Thus, understanding how to maintain high levels of employee engagement in remote teams becomes paramount.

Engaged employees invest their mental, emotional, and physical energy into achieving company targets. This level of commitment contributes to improved productivity and better quality work—crucial components for the success of any business model.

Global studies suggest that only around 20% of workers feel engaged at work which implies there is significant room for improvement. Consequently, ensuring regular communication and setting clear expectations can become instrumental in enhancing such engagement among remote working professionals.

The Importance of Employee Engagement in Remote Settings

Engaging remote employees significantly boosts productivity and work quality. Only about 20% of employees worldwide report feeling engaged at work, leaving a vast untapped potential for businesses that can successfully foster engagement in their remote workforce.

By harnessing employee energy and dedication, team goals are achieved more fluidly.

Employee engagement is the powerhouse behind higher profits as well. Engaged employees commit not just their skills but also their mental, emotional, and physical energy to reach organizational objectives.

This dedication translates into superior results across the board. Adopting strategies such as overcommunicating with remote staff members promotes better teamwork and enhances employee productivity. It's crucial for leaders to set clear expectations and communicate team objectives effectively in virtual settings to maintain high levels of engagement.

In doing so, they lay a foundation of trust, transparency, inclusivity — all key attributes of an engaging work environment.

Effective Strategies to Foster Engagement in Remote Teams

Overcommunicate, set clear expectations, assign accountability partners, celebrate achievements, encourage social interaction, streamline teamwork, foster work-life balance, update recognition and rewards, offer development opportunities -- these are just some of the effective strategies that can help your remote team thrive.


Communication plays a pivotal role in managing remote employees effectively. Overcommunication ensures that everyone is on the same page, eliminating assumptions and misunderstandings.

It's important to maintain a balance, though; too much information can be overwhelming. Use various digital communication tools to send updates, hold virtual meetings and foster active engagement amongst team members.

Embrace an open-door policy encouraging employees to express concerns or ask questions anytime they need clarity without hesitation. This proactive approach aids in boosting productivity while also improving employee morale among your remote workforce.

Set Clear Expectations

Leaders fostering team productivity in remote work environments must set clear expectations for tasks and responsibilities. This involves defining project deadlines, outlining roles, and explaining performance metrics to ensure everyone on the team knows what they're aiming for.

Involving remote employees in this process can lead to increased engagement as it promotes a sense of ownership and understanding of their role within the team's success. A study shows that setting clear guidelines reduces confusion, boosts productivity, and sets a precedent for accountability among remote workers.

Also, using task management tools can aid in communicating these expectations effectively by providing visual timelines of project targets or personal goals.

Set clear expectations for tasks and responsibilities
Set clear expectations for tasks and responsibilities

Assign Accountability Partners

Assigning accountability partners is a highly effective strategy to foster engagement and retention in remote teams. Accountability partners are individuals who support and hold each other responsible for achieving their goals.

By assigning accountability partners, remote employees can stay on track, maintain motivation, and ensure consistent progress towards their objectives. This practice encourages open communication, builds trust among team members, and promotes a sense of shared responsibility within the team.

Accountability partnerships also provide opportunities for mentorship and skill development, as employees can learn from one another's strengths and experiences. Overall, assigning accountability partners helps create a supportive environment where remote employees can thrive and reach their full potential.

Celebrate Achievements

Remote teams often miss out on the opportunity for in-person celebrations and recognition. However, it is important to find creative ways to celebrate achievements and milestones within a remote work environment.

Recognizing employee accomplishments can boost morale, motivation, and engagement among team members. Whether it's through virtual shoutouts during team meetings or sending personalized emails acknowledging individual contributions, celebrating achievements helps foster a positive work culture and reinforces the value of employees' hard work.

People thrive when their efforts are acknowledged and appreciated, so taking the time to celebrate successes can have a lasting impact on employee satisfaction and overall team performance.

According to research conducted by PwC, celebrating employee accomplishments creates highly engaged organizations where individuals feel valued for their contributions. By publicly recognizing achievements within remote teams, we not only motivate individuals but also inspire others to strive for excellence.

This fosters healthy competition and encourages collaboration as team members support each other's growth. Celebrating achievements in remote teams does not require elaborate events; even simple gestures like virtual applause or a company-wide announcement can go a long way in boosting morale and building a sense of community among distributed teammates.

Encourage Social Interaction

Encouraging social interaction is crucial for fostering a sense of connection and engagement among remote team members. Social interactions help employees build relationships, strengthen collaboration, and combat feelings of isolation.

By creating opportunities for virtual social events such as game nights, book clubs, or sports events, teams can bond over shared interests and experiences. Additionally, leveraging technology like video chat platforms or communication tools with features like live chat or employee chat apps enables real-time conversations that mimic in-person interactions.

These interactive exchanges promote a transparent culture and inclusive environment where everyone feels heard and valued. Through these efforts to encourage social interaction, remote teams can cultivate stronger connections and boost overall engagement levels among their members.

Streamline Teamwork

Effective teamwork is essential for remote teams to collaborate and achieve their goals. By streamlining teamwork processes, you can enhance productivity and engagement among team members.

Encourage open communication channels and provide tools that enable seamless collaboration, such as task management platforms or team communication apps. Clarify roles and responsibilities to avoid confusion and promote accountability within the team.

Recognize and celebrate achievements regularly to foster a positive team culture. By prioritizing streamlined teamwork, remote employees can work together efficiently and effectively towards shared objectives while feeling connected and supported by their teammates.

Foster Work-Life Balance

To foster work-life balance in remote teams, it is important for organizations to prioritize the well-being of their employees. Encourage individuals to set clear boundaries by establishing guidelines for remote work hours and personal time.

By promoting a healthy work-life harmony, companies can help prevent burnout rates from increasing and contribute to improved employee mental health. This not only leads to higher job satisfaction and engagement but also translates into better productivity and overall business results (PwC study).

Offering flexible work arrangements, providing resources for managing stress, and creating opportunities for virtual social events are some of the innovative strategies that organizations can implement to support work-life balance in remote settings.

Update Recognition and Rewards

Companies must continually update their recognition and rewards programs to effectively engage remote employees. Recognition plays a crucial role in making employees feel valued and appreciated, which boosts their motivation and commitment.

Companies must continually update their recognition and rewards programs
Companies must continually update their recognition and rewards programs

In a remote work setting, it's important to find innovative ways to recognize employee accomplishments and celebrate wins. This can be done through virtual shoutouts, employee spotlights on social media platforms, or even personalized messages from managers.

Likewise, updating the rewards program by offering meaningful incentives and benefits can further enhance employee satisfaction and loyalty. By regularly reviewing and refreshing recognition and rewards initiatives, companies can foster a culture of appreciation that keeps remote employees engaged and motivated.

Offer Development Opportunities

Offering development opportunities and training for remote employees is crucial in promoting engagement and personal growth. By investing in their professional development, organizations not only enhance the skills and knowledge of their remote workforce but also show that they value their employees' growth and success.

Providing access to online courses, webinars, workshops, or mentoring programs allows remote employees to expand their skill set and stay up-to-date with industry trends. This empowers them to take on new challenges, contribute more effectively to team projects, and feel a sense of fulfillment in their work.

Moreover, continuous learning can boost employee morale, job satisfaction, and overall productivity while fostering a culture of learning within the organization.

Regular Employee Surveys

Regular employee surveys play a crucial role in fostering engagement in remote teams. By regularly collecting feedback and insights from employees, companies can gain valuable information about their needs, concerns, and overall satisfaction.

These surveys allow organizations to identify areas for improvement, address any issues or challenges that employees may be facing, and make necessary changes to enhance the employee experience.

Moreover, regular surveys demonstrate that the company values its employees' opinions and is committed to creating a positive work environment. This helps boost morale, increase trust between employees and management, and ultimately contribute to higher levels of engagement and productivity within remote teams.

Tackling the Challenges of Remote Employee Engagement

Implementing strategies such as keeping meetings short, structuring social events, recording important meetings, and using polls and feed posts can help overcome the challenges of remote employee engagement.

Keeping Meetings Short

Short meetings are key to enhancing engagement in remote teams. Here are some strategies to achieve this:

  • Set a clear agenda and stick to it.
  • Invite only relevant participants to avoid unnecessary distractions.
  • Start and end meetings on time to respect everyone's schedules.
  • Encourage active participation and concise contributions from attendees.
  • Use technology tools effectively to keep discussions focused and efficient.
  • Follow up with meeting minutes or action points promptly.

Structuring Social Events

Structured social events play a crucial role in fostering connections and combating feelings of disengagement and isolation among remote team members. To promote engagement and enhance team spirit, consider the following strategies:

  1. Virtual Happy Hours: Organize regular after-work social gatherings where team members can relax, chat informally, and share stories over video calls.
  2. Team Building Activities: Arrange virtual team building exercises such as online escape rooms, trivia contests, or scavenger hunts to encourage collaboration and strengthen bonds.
  3. Coffee Chats: Facilitate one-on-one or small group virtual coffee dates where colleagues can connect on a personal level and build relationships outside of work-related discussions.
  4. Book Clubs or Learning Circles: Initiate virtual book clubs or learning circles where employees can discuss books, articles, or podcasts that relate to their work or shared interests.
  5. Exercise Challenges: Encourage physical well-being by organizing workout challenges or step competitions using fitness tracking apps to foster healthy competition and motivate employees to stay active.
  6. Online Game Nights: Host online game nights featuring multiplayer games like trivia, charades, or board games that allow everyone to participate and engage in friendly competition.
  7. Celebrating Milestones: Recognize employee birthdays, work anniversaries, project completions, promotions, or other achievements through virtual celebrations with personalized messages and small gifts sent to their homes.
  8. Volunteering Opportunities: Engage employees by offering remote volunteering opportunities such as participating in virtual charitable events or supporting local communities from a distance together as a team.
  9. Virtual Lunches: Encourage employees to have lunch together virtually by setting up designated lunch hours where they can eat while engaging in casual conversation over video calls.
  10. Social Media Spotlights: Highlight the accomplishments and talents of team members through social media spotlights to showcase their contributions and boost morale within the entire organization.

Digital Updates

Companies can ensure effective communication and keep remote teams informed by incorporating various digital updates. These include:

  • Using email, instant messaging, or live chat to share important information and updates quickly.
  • Leveraging employee chat apps or platforms to facilitate real - time communication and collaboration.
  • Recording important meetings and making them accessible for team members who couldn't attend.
  • Creating interactive content, such as videos or presentations, to engage employees and deliver updates in an engaging way.
  • Sharing employee accomplishments and notable achievements through company - wide announcements or newsletters.
  • Conducting anonymous feedback surveys to gather insights and suggestions from remote employees.
  • Including remote workers in conversations and decision - making processes to foster a sense of inclusion.
  • Providing networking opportunities through virtual events or Employee Resource Groups for remote team members.
Digital Updates
Digital Updates

Recording Important Meetings

Recording important meetings is a valuable strategy for fostering engagement in remote teams. It allows team members to refer back to discussions and ensures that everyone has the same understanding of the meeting outcomes. Key benefits of recording important meetings include:

  • Easy access to meeting content and discussion points.
  • Improved collaboration and alignment among remote team members.
  • Increased transparency and accountability within the team.
  • Efficient sharing of information with team members who may have missed the meeting.
  • Enhanced employee engagement by ensuring that all team members are informed and included in important discussions.

Using Polls and Feed Posts

Using polls and feed posts can effectively engage remote employees. Here are some ways you can utilize them:

  • Conduct regular polls to gather feedback and insights from remote team members.
  • Use feed posts to share updates, news, and important information with the entire team.
  • Encourage employees to participate in polls and express their opinions through feed posts.
  • Make the polls and feed posts interactive by asking open - ended questions or including visuals.
  • Share poll results and acknowledge employee contributions through feed posts.
  • Use polls to gauge employee satisfaction, gather ideas for improvement, and identify areas of concern.
  • Create a sense of community by allowing employees to comment and discuss poll results in the feed.
  • Use feed posts to recognize achievements, celebrate wins, and highlight employee accomplishments.
  • Keep the content of polls and feed posts diverse and relevant to maintain engagement.

Celebrating Accomplishments

Recognizing and celebrating accomplishments is vital for fostering engagement and retention in remote teams. Here are effective strategies to celebrate achievements:

  1. Publicly acknowledge individual and team successes.
  2. Give shoutouts during team meetings or through company - wide emails.
  3. Create a virtual wall of fame to showcase employee accomplishments.
  4. Celebrate milestones with personalized messages or virtual cards.
  5. Organize virtual social events, like game nights or book clubs, to foster a sense of camaraderie.
  6. Highlight employee achievements on social media platforms or company newsletters.
  7. Provide opportunities for employees to share their accomplishments during team huddles or town hall meetings.
  8. Implement an employee recognition program with rewards for outstanding performance.
  9. Offer professional development opportunities as a reward for reaching goals.

Processing Feedback

Processing feedback is essential for remote teams to improve performance and foster engagement. Here are some strategies to effectively process feedback:

  1. Actively listen: Pay close attention to the feedback provided by team members and stakeholders.
  2. Seek clarification: If feedback is unclear or vague, ask for more details or examples.
  3. Take ownership: Accept responsibility for any areas of improvement identified in the feedback.
  4. Analyze patterns: Look for recurring themes or issues in the feedback to identify areas that require attention.
  5. Prioritize action: Determine which feedback points need immediate attention and create a plan to address them.
  6. Communicate progress: Keep stakeholders informed about the progress made in addressing their feedback.
  7. Celebrate improvements: Publicly recognize and celebrate changes made based on feedback to boost morale and engagement.
  8. Monitor outcomes: Regularly evaluate the impact of implemented changes to determine if they have addressed the feedback effectively.

Inclusive Conversations

Inclusive conversations are essential for fostering engagement in remote teams. Here are strategies to promote inclusion:

  1. Encourage diverse perspectives: Create an environment that values and welcomes different viewpoints, encouraging team members to contribute their unique ideas and experiences.
  2. Establish active listening practices: Actively listen to remote team members, making them feel heard and valued. This can be done by rephrasing or summarizing their input during discussions.
  3. Facilitate open discussions: Provide a safe space for open dialogue where everyone feels comfortable expressing their thoughts and opinions without fear of judgment or retribution.
  4. Address unconscious bias: Raise awareness about unconscious bias and its potential impact on remote team dynamics. Encourage self-reflection and learning opportunities to mitigate bias.
  5. Promote online collaboration tools: Utilize collaboration tools that allow for real-time feedback, brainstorming, and idea-sharing. This enables equal participation among all team members regardless of location.
  6. Foster virtual networking opportunities: Organize virtual networking events or informal chats where team members can connect on a personal level, strengthening relationships beyond work tasks.
  7. Offer training on diversity and inclusion: Provide resources and training sessions that educate remote employees about diversity, equity, inclusion, and cultural sensitivity.

Remote Employee Retention Strategies

Establish guidelines for remote work, prioritize engagement in internal communications, regularly check-in with employees, recognize employee wins, facilitate face-to-face interaction, accommodate different working styles, highlight remote workers in communications, create a smooth remote onboarding experience, utilize team communication tools and encourage collaboration.

Establish Guidelines for Remote Work

Establishing clear guidelines for remote work is crucial for ensuring productivity and effective communication within a remote team. By setting expectations regarding work hours, availability, and preferred methods of communication, employees can better manage their time and collaborate efficiently with their colleagues.

In addition, having guidelines in place helps to prevent misunderstandings or conflicting schedules among team members. This sense of structure and clarity contributes to a positive remote work experience and fosters strong engagement within the team.

Prioritize Engagement in Internal Communications

Engagement in internal communications is essential for fostering a sense of connection and belonging among remote teams. By prioritizing engagement, companies can ensure that employees feel heard, valued, and included in decision-making processes.

Regular communication updates through various channels such as email, instant messaging, and video chat platforms help bridge the gap between remote employees and create a transparent culture within the organization.

Moreover, celebrating employee accomplishments and providing opportunities for anonymous feedback surveys promote a collaborative environment where everyone's voice is encouraged. In this way, companies can boost morale, increase productivity, and build stronger relationships among their remote workforce.

Regular Check-Ins

Regular check-ins with remote employees are essential for maintaining engagement and productivity. These one-on-one meetings and team gatherings provide opportunities to discuss progress, address concerns, and offer support.

By regularly connecting with each individual, managers can ensure that remote employees feel valued, heard, and connected to the team. These check-ins also help in setting goals, providing feedback, and addressing any challenges that may arise.

Regular communication through these check-ins fosters a sense of trust, accountability, and camaraderie among the remote team members.

Recognize Employee Wins

Recognizing employee wins is crucial for fostering engagement in remote teams. When employees feel valued and appreciated for their achievements, it boosts morale and motivation, leading to increased productivity.

Remote work can sometimes make it challenging to acknowledge accomplishments, but it's important to find creative ways to celebrate wins. By highlighting individual achievements or team milestones through virtual shoutouts, online recognition programs, or even personalized messages from managers, employees feel acknowledged and motivated to continue performing at their best.

Studies have shown that small interactions like these have a significant impact on productivity and overall satisfaction in remote work environments. So go ahead and make sure to recognize employee wins – big or small – as an essential part of keeping your remote team engaged and motivated.

Facilitate Face-to-Face Interaction

Facilitating face-to-face interaction is crucial for remote teams to build strong relationships and foster a sense of belonging. While physical distance may present challenges, there are effective ways to overcome them.

Encouraging video catch-ups, organizing virtual social events, and providing opportunities for in-person meetups can help team members connect on a personal level. Studies have shown that interpersonal connections play a vital role in engagement and retention among remote employees.

So, by creating avenues for face-to-face interaction, companies can enhance collaboration, boost morale, and create a more inclusive work environment.

Accommodate Different Working Styles

Accommodating different working styles is key to engaging and retaining remote employees. By recognizing that everyone has their own unique way of getting work done, companies can create an inclusive environment where employees feel valued and supported.

Accommodating different working styles
Accommodating different working styles

This can involve offering flexibility in work hours, allowing for personalized approaches to tasks, and providing resources that cater to individual preferences. By accommodating different working styles, organizations can foster a sense of autonomy and empowerment among remote team members, ultimately leading to higher job satisfaction and increased productivity.

Highlight Remote Workers in Communications

Featuring remote workers in internal communications is a powerful way to foster engagement within the team. By showcasing their accomplishments and contributions, it validates their hard work and dedication.

This recognition not only boosts morale but also promotes a sense of belonging and connection among remote employees. When remote workers are highlighted in company communication channels, such as newsletters or social media posts, it creates visibility and appreciation for their unique perspectives and talents.

It sends a message that they are valued members of the team, which ultimately encourages greater engagement and commitment to the organization's goals.

Create a Smooth Remote Onboarding Experience

Create a seamless remote onboarding experience by providing new hires with the necessary tools, resources, and support to transition smoothly into their roles. Start by introducing them to key team members and stakeholders through virtual meet-and-greet sessions or personalized video introductions.

Ensure that they have access to all the technology and software they need to perform their job duties effectively. Offer comprehensive online training materials and tutorials tailored specifically for remote employees.

Additionally, schedule regular check-ins during the first few weeks to address any questions or concerns they may have. By prioritizing a smooth onboarding process, you can help new remote employees feel supported, connected, and engaged from day one.

Use Team Communication Tools

Team communication tools play a crucial role in fostering engagement and retention in remote teams. They provide a platform for seamless collaboration and effective communication, helping team members stay connected regardless of their physical location. 

These tools enable real-time messaging, file sharing, video conferencing, and task management, making it easier for remote employees to collaborate on projects and stay updated on team progress. By utilizing team communication tools, remote teams can overcome the challenges of distance and create a sense of unity and productivity among team members.

Encourage Collaboration

Encouraging collaboration is crucial for fostering engagement in remote teams. By promoting teamwork and shared goals, employees feel connected and involved in the work they do. Collaborative efforts allow for a diverse range of perspectives, ideas, and skills to come together, leading to innovative solutions and improved performance.

Leapsome's collaboration software provides a platform for seamless communication and project management, allowing team members to easily collaborate on tasks and share updates. This enhances productivity, efficiency, and ultimately contributes to the overall success of the team.

With effective collaboration strategies in place, remote teams can thrive in their work environment while feeling supported and valued by their peers.

Start Contests and Recognition Programs

Contests and recognition programs are powerful tools for boosting employee engagement and retention in remote teams. When employees feel recognized and appreciated for their hard work, they are more likely to stay committed to the company.

By starting contests that celebrate achievements and publicly recognizing employees' accomplishments, organizations can create a culture of motivation and engagement. Not only does this contribute to lower absenteeism and turnover rates, but it also leads to increased profitability, productivity, and customer engagement.

Implementing these programs shows employees that their efforts are valued, fostering a sense of belonging and loyalty within the remote team.

Use Gamification

Gamification is a highly effective strategy for fostering engagement in remote teams. It involves incorporating game design elements into non-game contexts to engage employees and drive behavioral change.

By adding elements such as challenges, rewards, and friendly competition, gamification can make work more enjoyable and motivating for remote employees. Companies that utilize gamification often see benefits such as increased productivity, improved collaboration, and decreased turnover rates.

With the right gamification tactics in place, remote teams can feel more connected, motivated, and engaged in their work.

Allow Breathing Space

Remote work can sometimes blur the lines between personal and professional life, making it crucial for employers to respect their employees' boundaries. Allowing breathing space means providing flexibility in work hours and acknowledging that employees need time for themselves outside of work responsibilities.

Research shows that when employees have a healthy work-life balance, they are more engaged and productive. By giving remote workers the freedom to manage their schedules and encouraging them to take breaks, organizations can foster well-being, reduce burnout rates, and ultimately retain their valuable talent.

According to PwC, companies with high employee engagement see improved collaboration and better productivity, making breathing space a vital component of an effective remote engagement strategy.

Offer Continuous Training and Development

Continuous training and development is a key
Continuous training and development is a key

Continuous training and development is a key component in keeping remote employees engaged and motivated. By providing ongoing learning opportunities, organizations can help their remote teams enhance their skills, stay updated on industry trends, and feel invested in their professional growth.

This not only boosts employee satisfaction but also improves performance and productivity. Offering webinars, online courses, mentorship programs, or personalized learning paths allows remote employees to expand their knowledge and expertise.

In addition, continuous training and development shows that the company values its employees' career progression and supports them in reaching their goals.


Fostering engagement and retention in remote teams requires proactive strategies and effective communication. By overcommunicating, setting clear expectations, celebrating achievements, encouraging social interaction, streamlining teamwork, fostering work-life balance, updating recognition and rewards, offering development opportunities, and conducting regular employee surveys, organizations can create an engaged and connected remote workforce.

Additionally, tackling the challenges of remote employee engagement through short meetings, structured social events, digital updates, recording important meetings using polls and feed posts can further enhance engagement.

Employing remote employee retention strategies such as establishing guidelines for remote work prioritizing engagement in internal communications through regular check-ins recognizing employee wins facilitating face-to-face interaction accommodating different working styles highlighting remote workers creating a smooth onboarding experience using team communication tools encouraging collaboration starting contests and recognition programs using gamification allowing breathing space and offering continuous training will contribute to maintaining an engaged workforce in a virtual environment.

Related Topics: You may also be interested in learning about managing performance and productivity in remote teams, how to source and recruit remote talent, and case studies of successful remote hiring strategies.

John Hayden

John Hayden is a seasoned entrepreneur, business strategist, and career success blogger. He leverages his decades of experience in the corporate world to guide aspiring entrepreneurs and career professionals.

John's writing is fueled by his real-world experiences, including both his triumphs and setbacks in the business landscape. Known for his insightful and straight-shooting style, John offers readers a unique blend of hard-earned wisdom and actionable strategies to navigate the complex world of business.

class SampleComponent extends React.Component { 
  // using the experimental public class field syntax below. We can also attach  
  // the contextType to the current class 
  static contextType = ColorContext; 
  render() { 
    return <Button color={this.color} /> 

Recommended Resources

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